Saturday, October 8, 2016

Happy 4th Gotcha Day

Four years ago today Gary and I got Peyton and Caleb out of the orphanage.  When I think about that day, I can remember so many details so clearly.  If I let myself think too long it's overwhelming.  I can still see our long walk from our hotel to the orphanage in the rain, two times.  I can see us walking into Caleb's building and the nannies wanting the clothes I brought him to change him but I didn't let them.  So they stood over me while I changed him I assume to make sure I didn't take any of their clothes.  Yes, he left with nothing but he was smiling the whole time!  Then on to the building where Peyton was.  We found her in gym class and I took her to change her clothes.  Again, leaving with nothing and she didn't care.  They had a family now.

Here is the link to the post from that day.

Happy Gotcha Day Peyton and Caleb.  These sweet kids have taught us so much about life.  What patience we have gained and eye-opening stories we have heard.  What experiences we would have missed out on if we had said no to God's calling.  I sometimes wonder about people who live in their comfort zone.  Do you realize that you are missing out on your best life?
