Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Waiting is The Hardest Part

We got our tax document this afternoon and I will be taking it tomorrow to be apostilled.  Then off to Ukraine it will go.

We should hear next week about when we need to be in Ukraine for our appointment to get A's file. This waiting is just so hard.  But soon (early March) we will be there.

A's room, which she will share with Peyton, is all ready for her.  Clothes are in the closet and dresser. The name we have chosen for her (if she likes it) is above her bed.  I put a box in front of it just in case she chooses to keep her name. : ) We just need that girl, that we already love, to be here.


Every night at dinner the kids make sure they always include her in their prayers.  To them, she is already their sister.  They are just beaming with excitement that the time is almost here.  And, my sweet Caleb always asks when we are eating, will A like this?  He doesn't even remember her from the orphanage, as he was too young when he left there, but he is concerned for her.

So please be praying for us on our upcoming journey.  That God would be glorified through it all.


And, ....the winner of our February Adoption Puzzle Fundraiser drawing is, RF.  She got the small red Matryoshka nesting doll.

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