Friday, November 13, 2015

Another Step

Today we received a letter from USCIS that we have our fingerprint appointment on Nov. 23, just a little over 3 weeks after we mailed our documents to them.  Awesomeness!  So what I thought would be our last document to receive is coming early.  Yaaa, but that means we have to get moving on getting our FBI clearance, which is a new document this time. We have to go to our local police station and get our fingerprints done on fingerprint cards (not electronically).  Then mail those off to a company in Chicago that does FBI background checks.  When we receive that letter back from them, then we send that to the US Department of State in VA to get it authenticated and returned to us.  

It is all coming together and we are getting so excited to think that in a few short months we will be there to see her.  We are hoping that when our documents do get to Ukraine, that the Ministry of Social Policy (formally the State Department of Adoption) will still be open and taking applications as they close down some in Dec/Jan.  I keep reminding myself, God's timing is perfect timing!  I repeat that to myself a lot these days.

All is well on the home front and I am still sooo enjoying this stay at home mom thing.  I know my kids are so much better for it!  It is nice waking up in the morning during the week knowing I am doing what I was called to do.  Thank you God for this life you have given me!


Another picture of A.

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