Friday, October 30, 2015

Off to Immigration

Today we mailed our paperwork off to Immigration.  This was the step we have been waiting on as this will be the final piece that we need to send our dossier to Ukraine.  It could take up to 6 weeks to get this approval back so if you could pray specifically for a speedy turn around we would appreciate it.  We know it's all in God's hands and His timing is perfect.

The Pampered Chef party that my adoptive mama friend had for us made $50 and the booth we had at the craft fair made about $50.  So thankful for all those that are supporting us.  We will be participating in a couple more craft fairs in December; one in Kingsville and one in Holden.

Here are some random photos of our life.

Should Math really be this hard?  Luckily
when we took Caleb to the dr, they decided he
didn't need glasses anymore but may need
corrective surgery on his eye that doesn't always
track with the other one.

I'm not sure what was happening on the
day this was packed but I guess someone
was tired of sticking a straw on each pack.

We are collecting our nuts for the Winter.

Peyton with our kitty, Panda.
It looks like he is smiling doesn't it.

And finally, my sweet friend sent me this card.  I want you all to know that everything you do for us; every card, kind word, donation, prayer; all of that illuminates us.  You have no idea, how, there are days that are just so hard on this adoption journey.  Days that I wonder why is this taking so long; shouldn't it be easier this time, after all this isn't our first adoption.  This girl has waited for all these years to have a family.  Why is it so difficult.  Then, God gently says, I've got this, let me.  And I am reminded that she was His first.  He knows and sees all that I can't.  So I praise Him in this waiting time.


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