Saturday, June 4, 2016

She Got It

 A couple days ago the kids helped Anna try to ride a bike.  They were so patient and encouraging with her.  She just took it all in stride with a smile on her face.  Well, by the next day she was riding the bike by herself.  The kids came running in the house and said mom come and look she is riding the bike.  I was so happy for her.  I clapped and clapped and she just smiled and laughed.  Can you imagine never learning to ride a bike until you were 16?  This girl had pure joy on her face!  I am so glad she is a go-getter and isn't afraid to try things.  I am so impressed with how confident she seems; oh she is shy around new people but I am just amazed that after all the years she was in the orphanage that she still has a spark in her. 

I was talking to Gary about how Anna had been available for adoption since she was 6 years old.  And, you know, all the whys that go along with that; why did it take us so long to get to her, why couldn't it have worked out to get her in 2010 or 2012 when we were there and so on.  My sweet husband, being the wise and level headed one said "Tina, this was about God's timing not ours."  Of course he is right.  We got her at the perfect time. Thank you God for your protection over Anna and for sending us to make her a part of our family!  We are so blessed!


PS - I try to always share when one of my kids has something funny or interesting to say.  So here it goes.  I cannot make this stuff up. 

We were sitting eating lunch and the subject of our cats came up.  My child, who shall remain nameless,  said did you know cats know 16 words.  I said oh really.  This child then said, I want to learn what those are so I can talk to our cats.  Oh my word!  I may have spit something out of my mouth.  Never a dull moment!

Here they are trying to teach her.

 Look at this smile!  Priceless!


She wrote this all on her own.  She is
quite the artist.

Peyton's pretty flower

dueling hula hoops


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