Tuesday, May 31, 2016

We Are Home and All Is Well

We got home on Saturday night about 12:30.

Things are going well and Anna is doing great.  The kids are so excited for her to be here.  It is just awesome when I think about how they had all prayed for her for months and she is finally here; an answer to our prayers.  Sometimes I catch them just looking at her and I wonder what they are thinking.  Anna just chatters at them like they know what she is saying.  The boys all ask Peyton what is she saying?  Peyton may be getting a little tired of translating.  We have already taken a trip to Wal-Mart and she was amazed.  She loves playing outside and loves our kitties.  She tries to do whatever the kids are doing; swinging, basketball, tag etc.  She hasn't attempted to ride a bike yet.  I can't imagine a 16 year-old not knowing how to ride a bike.  We will fix that if she wants.  She has tried everything I have made to eat.  The kids get such a kick out of her eating sunflower seeds,  She is a pro at cracking them with her teeth and getting the seed out; all in one motion.  The boys crack one to her 10.  They just laugh and laugh.  She is really just adapting so well.  Obviously there are things that we need to work on but nothing major yet.  She has always had someone get her clothes out and tell her what to wear each day,  so getting in the closet or drawer and picking out clothes for the day is going to take time.  We haven't started to work with her on English.  I'm trying to figure out how best to do that.  One step; one day at a time.

We roasted hotdogs (yuk) tonight and they all had a good time.  Here are a few pictures.


Yes my sweet husband
 is yawning.  It was a
long almost 3 weeks
without mama.


  1. Apparently Rosette Stone is good for learning English (I assume she would have to be able to read/write Ukrainian). Another bloggy mom used it for her teen adopted daughter and from what I recall they liked it! (worth the price apparently as long as the child wants to learn)

  2. Glad you are safely home! This journey is not an easy journey, but with God everything is possible. It is an awesome feeling to have all of your children under one roof. Happy for you! Blessings
