Wednesday, September 16, 2015

So, My News

The facilitator that we are working with in Ukraine has been trying to get to A's orphanage for a while now to talk with her.  I sent some photos of our family for her to share with A and she took some cookies and candies for A and her friends.

So, today I received several photos and an email that read, "She is such a nice girl!!! Everyone in the orphanage loves her, she has a very positive nature, she is very friendly and sweet.  She remembers you and recognized (Yulia) Peyton and ........ she definitely wants to be a part of your family, no doubt."

How is that for some news?!  I am overJOYed that she is choosing us!  That we get to be her mom and dad; her family!  And, well, I think she looks a little like my husband.  God is good like that isn't He?  He is in all the details!

So, well, the waiting is just so hard!  Sending prayers up for her that God will give her peace in this waiting time and that she would be comforted in knowing that she is wanted and loved so much already!

And, not sure if you noticed when you looked at her picture but yeah, I see a big heart!



  1. All praise and glory be to God! So excited to hear your good news. And you are right, she does look like dad! I'm enjoying reading about your adventure. :)

  2. What a great news! Beautiful girl! Praying everything will go smooth, and soon she will join your family!

  3. That is wonderful news! And she does resemble Gary!!!!
