Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Her Joy

This video I am sharing is one that I treasure.  Caleb is running out with joy in his heart.  This was his reaction just 1 week after meeting us in 2012.  He was so excited that we were there for him!  How many of his friends got a mom and dad before him?  How many times did he have to watch the love between his friends and the mom and dad that he longed for?  I'm not sure but it was finally his turn.

Now, can you imagine what A will go thru?  She is not 5 1/2 years old like he was, but 15.  She has waited so much longer for a mom and dad to see her for the treasure she is.  She has been beaten down by a life that no child deserves.  Because she is small for her age, she got picked on a lot while we were there.  Oh how my heart broke to see her get hit up side the head and just take it.  We would stand up for her but the kids didn't care.  They had a pecking order and she was at the bottom. We saw a glimmer of hope though when we spoke up and we were pretty smitten with her by the time we left.  That was a very hard day for me.  I never thought we would see her again.  But God knew and my heart couldn't let go.  Here is a picture she drew for us while we were there.

I hope, whatever her reaction is when we get there, that she knows she is going home to a big family that already loves her.  And if she wants to run and jump in my arms, well, I wouldn't mind it so much! : )  I just can't wait to see her joy!


PS ~ an update on our progress - the home study is still in progress but hopefully will be done in a few weeks; I have several of the required documents as done as I can get them for now; the Bracelet Fundraiser is coming to a close this week; the T-shirt Fundraiser will last until Sept. 15 and the Puzzle Fundraiser is ongoing until we travel, with drawings on the 15th of each month.  Thanks to all who have donated and are supporting us!   And, if you want to get an email that tells you when I post an update on here,  go to the right hand column and enter your email in the Follow By Email link.           

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