Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Today is the 15th of September and time to draw another name from our Puzzle Fundraiser.  I will get right to it; the winner is NS and she wishes to remain anonymous.  I will be sending her a beautiful bird whistle that we bought in Ukraine.

Here is a picture of our whole puzzle and what pieces have donors names on them so far.

The Bracelet Fundraiser ended on September 4th and we raised $145.

The T-shirt Fundraiser ends tonight.

I want to thank everyone who has given to our adoption and all prayers being sent up for us.  We are believing God will provide.

I am hoping for some awesome news tomorrow and I will share when it comes in.  Stay tuned as you won't want to miss it!

And now, some random photos of our kids.  What a JOYous time of my life this is.  I wouldn't trade it for anything and how thankful I am that my husband works so hard to provide for us.

Cash is playing trumpet this year.

Caleb loves creepy, crawly things.

And, of course, Carson was born to be a cowboy.

We have had a few turkeys hanging around
our house but I'm still soaring with the


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