Friday, December 11, 2015

Just When I Thought...Update

Sooooo, I had all the documents gathered and ready to see the notary on Monday and then the facilitator emails to tell me, oh by the way, the 2014 1040 tax forms you were going to submit, need to be 2015 now. The 2014 ones were only good if we submitted in 2015 and now since we are submitting in 2016, well, you see my predicament.

Not to mention in the last 6 months since committing to adopt A, our refrigerator, freezer and dishwasher have all died.  And you know what, I am awesome at washing dishes by hand, no problem.  But, wow, devil, A must really be a gem for you to fight so hard to keep her in a place no child wants or deserves to grow up.  And, no you are not going to win because we are overcomers and she is worth it all!

Now we are going to be figuring like crazy to get our tax information submitted and get the 1040 form we need.  Still believing we will submit when the office in Ukraine opens up for applications in January.

Please be in prayer for A that she will have a covering of protection over her.  


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