Tuesday, December 15, 2015

It's December 15

It's December 15 and time for two drawings this month.  First the winner of the regular monthly drawing is TA.

He will get the KYIV key chain.

Now an update, we will be meeting with the accountant next week and are thinking we can get an employment letter from him with all the details of our income included on that.  That will allow us to be able to get everything completed with apostilles and to our facilitator before the SDA opens in January.  Please be in prayer with us for that!

And the drawing you all have been waiting months for.  Who is the lucky winner of the large Matryoshka?

I was so excited when Peyton drew this name out. The winner is JQ.  Congratulations!

We will be drawing January 15 for the following tablet.

Thanks again to all that donated!  You are making it possible for us to return and adopt the one we could not forget!


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