Tuesday, January 26, 2016


This morning our facilitator emailed and said,

 "Your dossier was successfully submitted today!!! Wow! I am so happy! Finally!  So now we have to wait and in 20 business days we'll get your travel date."

I am so excited!  It looks like we will be traveling the middle of March. 

We can't wait to see A.  Peyton is just so excited to have another girl in the home and mostly to have a sister.   I know this is going to be so great for both of them.  

Thank you God for leading us back to Ukraine. 




  1. Replies
    1. I know, me too! Thank you Tatyana for always being a faithful follower!

  2. Congratulations! You are one of the most patient people I know, but this wait must be tough. It will be so worth it, though

    1. Thanks! The wait is sooo hard and you are right it will be worth it!
