Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Dossier..... Almost Done

I went Tuesday to Jefferson City to get all our documents apostilled.  Here they are, 42 documents!

I then sent them overnight to where our facilitator is staying in the US.  I think I mentioned before that she brought 30 orphans from Ukraine for hosting over the Christmas holiday.  And that is so great for us that I can send my documents to her while she is here and not have to send them over to Ukraine.

But, after I sent the documents I got an email that ONE of the documents was not quite right. So....back I go again tomorrow to Jefferson City to get that ONE document apostilled and then sent overnight to her before she leaves the US on Saturday.

Have I ever said that international adoption is not for the faint of heart.  Just when we think it's all going smoothly and we've got it, boom, another kick in the shins.  We still have things breaking down at our house.  Our garbage disposal quit working, no biggy as I don't use it much but when I looked under the sink to check it out, well, there was lots of water everywhere.  At this point with all we have been through in the last few months, I have a peace that could only come from God.  He has a reason for all of this and we are stronger for it.

Our documents will be submitted to the State Department of Adoption in Ukraine the week of January 18th.  Please agree with us in prayer that all the documents will be correct.  We should then get an appointment date for early March to get A's file allowing us to go and see her.  Looking forward to that day!


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