Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I Have Another Daughter

First, sorry this post is so late for those of you that are following and were wondering what happened today.  We have either been in court or in a car all day.

The court hearing started at 10 am today and Anna was so nervous; head down, not talking much. Just so intimidating for a girl who has never been in or around a courtroom and only knows what others have told her and not always good things.  In the small room was the judge and on each side of her were town witnesses.  Also there was the judge's secretary, the prosecutor, the social worker, the attorney for the orphanage and our facilitator, Peyton and I. The judge started the hearing and all of the adults in the room had to state their name, address and birthdate.  Then the judge proceeded to read through the documents and had me stand and answer some questions.  We were told she would ask a lot of questions but I didn't think it was that many.  She asked a lot about our finances since I am not working outside the home and would we be able to provide for ANOTHER child.  Later on in the hearing she asked again about our finances.  I guess I finally said enough to satisfy her.

The hard part was the judge wanted to ask Anna some questions but she seemed so closed off with her head down and all.  So the judge asked why her caregiver (Katerina) wasn't there and the judge scolded the orphanage attorney about how he does not work closely with Anna and why wasn't her caregiver there.  So at 11:15 the judge called a recess and made the orphanage attorney call Katerina and get her there before she asked Anna any questions.  So 30 minutes later we started back and the judge started asking Anna questions.  The judge really didn't like that our facilitator was translating so I didn't get a lot of what was asked.  The normal questions like name. birth date and do you want to be adopted and go to America. After a little bit Anna was done answering questions and just burst into tears. At that point I didn't know what was going on but she finally said she was scared of the lady sitting on the right side of the judge.  She was a very tall and big woman and looked like she might be on a roller derby team.  She pretty much was glaring at Anna the whole time so I can see why.  I think her nerves had gotten the best of her.  The judge was nice enough to not ask anymore questions of her but did ask Katerina several questions.  Then the judge allowed Anna and Katerina to leave the room.  Once again I had to stand and answer more questions.  After that the judge read aloud the rest of the documents in my dossier and at 1:15 we were done and asked to come back at 2:30 for the verdict.

We then went and ate lunch with Anna and Katerina and then back to court we went.  We stood while the judge read her verdict aloud; four pages.  Oh my goodness I thought it would never end.  But finally what you all have been waiting for, I have another daughter!

Anna Joy Bell

Peyton and I are so excited and we can't wait to get Anna home with our family.  This is going to be quite an adventure I can already tell.  But I am up for the challenge.  Some days I forget all we had to teach Peyton and Caleb at first.  : )

So the next step is all the passports which I explained in my last post.  We should know more on Friday when the orphanage attorney starts the passport process.

We are heading home early tomorrow morning.  We are sooo tired but what an exciting day!



  1. Congratulations!! Court is certainly an interesting experience, to say the least...We got all the financial questions too. I think our court lasted 4 hours, with one bathroom break. During ours the judge read, out loud, every single page of our home study. Glad it's over and an entry is there to tell all!

    1. Our judge read all of our documents also. Not sure why they have to do that. I am glad it's over! Now on to our next hurdle. Thanks so much for following.

  2. Congratulations! So happy for you! You girls are beautiful!Court is always very stressful!

    1. Thanks Tatyana! We are so happy that part is over. Hope all is well with you guys.
