Thursday, April 28, 2016


I have had some people asking what is going on, what next?  I was waiting to post until I got some news and I just heard from our facilitator last night.

At this point the first passport is secured and the second one was applied for yesterday.  We will probably not get that passport until May 13 as there are a couple of holidays in Ukraine the first part of May.

Yes the 10 day wait after court is up and yes we could go and get Anna now but this adoption situation is different than most because of all the crazy passports. The orphanage director is keeping Anna at the orphanage until we return around May 13 or 14.

Peyton and I are looking forward to going back and getting Anna out of the orphanage.  We can't wait for her to be home and be together as a family; where she is loved and wanted.  Our facilitator told me something yesterday that really made me just stop and think; when she went to get Anna's birth certificate it had not been applied for until she was 6 years old.  That is the age she was when she came to the orphanage.  Why did no one apply for it sooner?  She was part of a "family" for 6 years yet no one acknowledged her birth?  I know it is not for me to ask what or why.  I won't pretend to know what her mother was going through.  Spending all the time I have in Ukraine and with what I have seen that can never be unseen, I can only imagine.  Survival.  I am so thankful to her birth mother who chose life. That choice is giving me the privilege and honor of being her mother.    



  1. As someone only aware of Ukrainian adoption from a supporter view, do you have to pay for Anna to stay at the orphanage after the 10-day wait is up? I ask along the lines of you're now her guardian, not the state, are you not? I'm just curious...

    1. A, I appreciate your comment as I am glad someone is reading my blog. Yes legally I am her parent now so I am expecting that I will have to compensate the orphanage in some way. I will be giving the orphanage an expected hefty donation already. I also am very thankful that God has worked it out for me to be home with my other 4 kids while we wait. The passport situation is like none I have ever seen and this has thrown everyone for a loop. Thank you again for your comment and feel free to ask anything else.

  2. I'm just catching up here, Tina. Amazing story! Every adoption is amazing, and I've loved reading this. How amazing that Peyton got to go back...I can only imagine how that was for her! Wow. Congratulatios on your new daughter!

    1. Thank you Sabrina. It is such a God story. Peyton loved going back but she was glad when it was time to go home. It was good for her to see from this side. Thanks for the congrats!
