Friday, July 31, 2015

Summer Fun

We have had such a great summer just relaxing at home.  When I was working my kids would spend the day at a Summer Day Camp.  They miss that some but have said more than once how glad they are that I am home now.  Me too kiddos!

Carson played baseball the first part of the summer and that kept us busy.  They have ridden their bikes, played in the sprinklers, caught many, many frogs, spent endless hours drawing with sidewalk chalk and enjoyed the veggies from our garden.

I am thrilled to say that Caleb has finally turned a corner on his speaking English.  He has really blossomed this summer.  If he could just quit rising with the rooster we would be good.  He still loves riding his bike and we have a couple of barn cats that he really likes.  You will usually find him with a smile on his face.

Peyton, what can I say about her, she is doing great and getting better at asserting herself.  It really has been hard for her to speak up for herself after so many years of being beat down.  She is a joy and loves to help me with anything that is needed.  She has been able to go with one of her girl friends to swim and to the movies this summer.  I am so thankful for this friendship that is going to help her grow.

Enjoy some fun summer pictures.

Cash loves to read.

If you are going to relax with a friend
you might as well prop your legs up. : )

Reminder about our Bracelet Fundraiser, Apparent Project.  We will only have these bracelets for a short time.  They are $10 each.

Simply ~Love,


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

This Grabs My Heart

I hadn't seen this video before.  So awesome!  You may want to grab some tissue.  I love the part towards the end where he says, "here I am send me".  That is my attitude; I am so willing to go.

Simply ~ Love,


Monday, July 27, 2015

Apparent Project Bracelet Fundraiser

We are going to start an additional fundraiser and we are partnering with Apparent Project.  The bracelets shown below are beautiful and all one of a kind. They are $10 each.  The cool part is this not only benefits our adoption but half of the money raised goes to feed, shelter and educate families in Haiti.  If you are local I can deliver your bracelet to you and for those friends that are further away I will mail it to you. Just email me your address at Use the You Caring donation button to the right and put in the comment section for bracelet fundraiser.  For those that want to pay by check, email me and I will give you our address. These would make great gifts. Check out AP at

I want to thank everyone that has already donated.  You are making it possible!

Simply ~ LOVE,

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Adoption Puzzle Fundraiser

We are having an Adoption Puzzle Fundraiser.  All proceeds go to pay the fees to bring A home from Ukraine.  I have seen others do this type of fundraiser and I love the concept.  Adoption requires support and encouragement from all "pieces" of our life.  When you donate, your name will go on a piece of this puzzle.  When it is complete we will frame it and hang it in her room as a keepsake so she will know the names of all who cared to help bring her home to her family.  The puzzle has 252 pieces and my kids are looking forward to putting it together.

For every $10 donated, your name will go into a drawing.  For example, if you donate $30 your name will be put in the drawing 3 times.  Because her birthday is on the 15th, on the 15th of each month until we travel I will draw out a name and you will win something that we bought when we were in Ukraine.  On December 15, Christmas time, my favorite time of the year, if you have donated $50 or more I will do a separate drawing for the big Matryoshka nesting doll. See pictures below.

You can use the You Caring donation button on the side of this blog to donate.  We appreciate all of you and the piece you are in our lives.

Simply ~ LOVE,
The puzzle

Large Matryoshka
Large Matryoshka - showing all dolls

Bird Whistle
Key Chain
Decorative egg (Small)
Small Matryoshka Dolls

Small Matryoshka Doll - showing size

Small Matryoshka - showing all dolls 

Friday, July 10, 2015

My Heart Longs to Be There

As I sit here today writing this post my heart longs to be in Ukraine with A.  I have been looking back over some old pictures and remembering our days there in 2012.  I have such fond memories of our walks from the hotel to the orphanage, 15 minutes each way.  It was such a beautiful Summer there and Gary and I really got to relax and take it all in.  Such a simple life for people in that area and living off the land that they had.  Most of the yards were taken up with a garden as that was what they would need to make it through the Winter.  Some people had goats tied up in front of their homes and some had a cow or 2.  We would pass by a well on our walk and people would be bringing big jugs to fill.  Most people walked wherever they needed to go or used public transportation.  Very few of the locals had a car.

The hotel we stayed at was very clean and the people were nice even though we couldn't really understand each other.  We would eat dinner each night at the restaurant in the hotel.  There was a big dining area but we never sat in there because it was so big and open and always seemed so formal. We would sit in the bar area which we didn't realize for a long time.  They had parties and wedding receptions almost every weekend and the decorations were so fun.  They also shot fireworks off on the weekends as well.

We would walk to a little convenience store after our visit at the orphanage each morning, to get some fresh baked pastries.  We got lucky one day and got these little cherry tarts that were so tasty! Gary would always get his daily dose of ice cream and we would get water, coke and some other snacks.  There was also a pizza place beside the store which took us a few days to notice.  No English spoken there but the woman was so, so nice and was surprised when we ordered pizza with just cheese on it.  She kept offering more toppings but we weren't sure what they were.  She just snickered at us and we laughed right back.  That was the best pizza I have ever tasted, so fresh and homemade.

Another thing I notice when I look at our pictures is how much the kids, especially Peyton, needed us to get to them.  I didn't realize at the time how super skinny, really sickly, Peyton was.  And poor Caleb with the dark circles under his eyes and all his breathing issues, once again, that we didn't have a clue about. I guess we were so happy we didn't notice.

And, that is why it breaks my heart thinking of A being over there and our need to get there quickly. She doesn't know yet that we are coming. I am not really sure she knew she was going to be hosted only that someone came and took her picture and that she could possibly be hosted.  I am hoping she will be as excited as we are when she finds out that it is our family that wants her, that has chosen her to be our daughter, our sister, our friend.

The following picture is of Peyton's group from 2012.  The next picture is from 2014 of mostly the same group.  See what a difference 2 years can make for children in an orphanage.  How they go from innocent pre-teens to teens that know that soon they will have to leave the orphanage and for some; what will they do and where will they go?

Simply ~ LOVE,


Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Today was a rainy day so Gary was able to take some time off from farming and we went to get our fingerprints done for the background check.  We took all the kids with us and they were so excited. Really fingerprinting is no big deal but they see it as another step closer to adopting A.  They were all full of questions about why we had to do that and what it was for.  One of the littles even asked if it hurt. Ha ha.

Our next step is having our home study updated.   We are hoping to have that appointment next week. The wonderful lady from Christian Family Services of the Midwest, who has hung with us since our first international home study in 2009, is out of the office this week.  We totally love her!

Since CFSM does not have Hague accreditation at this time we will have to send our completed home study to another agency, Angel's Haven, that is Hague accredited, to get the approval that everything is in order.  They will act as our Primary agency.

After we get the updated home study in hand then we will send it with some other documents to USCIS.  While we are waiting to get a letter from them giving a date for getting our fingerprints done again, we will work on some fundraisers.  I am new at fundraising so it should be interesting.

Say a little prayer for us that we can get things done in a timely manner.  A is 15 and we need to get there.


Here is a picture from July 4.  Nothing like Captain America to make a kid's day.



Monday, July 6, 2015

Welcome to Our New Adoption Blog

I thought about keeping our other blog, Two Sweet Kids and One Lucky Family, and continuing on with our next adoption but the title didn't seem to fit.  So here I am starting a new blog.  I will keep the other one active if anyone wants to read our story.

We have decided to travel back to Ukraine to adopt the sweet girl that was at Peyton's orphanage that I just could not forget.  I have prayed for her ever since we left the orphanage in 2012.  I even prayed for God to let me let go of my thoughts for her because it just burdened me so.  But, no, my heart couldn't do it.

I will start from the beginning of how we came to decide we were going to pursue her adoption.  On June 1st I walked away from job for so many reasons but mostly to be home with my kids.  I had felt that pulling to be home with them for a long time but just couldn't take the leap of faith. One week after being home I was on Facebook and another adoptive mom that I only know thru FB and her blog, posted about an opportunity to host a child from Ukraine.  So I thought why not look.   I looked through several photos of children and then I saw her.  I really couldn't believe it and my heart leaped for joy.  I had to get Peyton to look at the photos just to make sure and when I came to A, Peyton said, there's A.  She was so excited to see A and asked lots of questions but the most important one was can we adopt her?  I said we'll see and on her birthday, June 17, I told her we were going to host A.

I approached Gary to see what he thought as he has no intentions of travelling back to Ukraine.  He said if I could get the money then he supported me 100%.  So that is our big hurdle but what an awesome God we serve and He will provide if this is His will.  The catch is that A is 15 and will be 16 in April of 2016 so we have to hurry.  : ) With that being the case we have decided to bypass hosting and just pursue adoption.

I am working right now on some fundraisers; t-shirts and bracelets.  I will post with all the details when I get that together.  We are also applying for adoption grants.  If anyone has any other suggestions we would greatly appreciate it.
