Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Today was a rainy day so Gary was able to take some time off from farming and we went to get our fingerprints done for the background check.  We took all the kids with us and they were so excited. Really fingerprinting is no big deal but they see it as another step closer to adopting A.  They were all full of questions about why we had to do that and what it was for.  One of the littles even asked if it hurt. Ha ha.

Our next step is having our home study updated.   We are hoping to have that appointment next week. The wonderful lady from Christian Family Services of the Midwest, who has hung with us since our first international home study in 2009, is out of the office this week.  We totally love her!

Since CFSM does not have Hague accreditation at this time we will have to send our completed home study to another agency, Angel's Haven, that is Hague accredited, to get the approval that everything is in order.  They will act as our Primary agency.

After we get the updated home study in hand then we will send it with some other documents to USCIS.  While we are waiting to get a letter from them giving a date for getting our fingerprints done again, we will work on some fundraisers.  I am new at fundraising so it should be interesting.

Say a little prayer for us that we can get things done in a timely manner.  A is 15 and we need to get there.


Here is a picture from July 4.  Nothing like Captain America to make a kid's day.



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