Friday, July 31, 2015

Summer Fun

We have had such a great summer just relaxing at home.  When I was working my kids would spend the day at a Summer Day Camp.  They miss that some but have said more than once how glad they are that I am home now.  Me too kiddos!

Carson played baseball the first part of the summer and that kept us busy.  They have ridden their bikes, played in the sprinklers, caught many, many frogs, spent endless hours drawing with sidewalk chalk and enjoyed the veggies from our garden.

I am thrilled to say that Caleb has finally turned a corner on his speaking English.  He has really blossomed this summer.  If he could just quit rising with the rooster we would be good.  He still loves riding his bike and we have a couple of barn cats that he really likes.  You will usually find him with a smile on his face.

Peyton, what can I say about her, she is doing great and getting better at asserting herself.  It really has been hard for her to speak up for herself after so many years of being beat down.  She is a joy and loves to help me with anything that is needed.  She has been able to go with one of her girl friends to swim and to the movies this summer.  I am so thankful for this friendship that is going to help her grow.

Enjoy some fun summer pictures.

Cash loves to read.

If you are going to relax with a friend
you might as well prop your legs up. : )

Reminder about our Bracelet Fundraiser, Apparent Project.  We will only have these bracelets for a short time.  They are $10 each.

Simply ~Love,


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