Monday, July 6, 2015

Welcome to Our New Adoption Blog

I thought about keeping our other blog, Two Sweet Kids and One Lucky Family, and continuing on with our next adoption but the title didn't seem to fit.  So here I am starting a new blog.  I will keep the other one active if anyone wants to read our story.

We have decided to travel back to Ukraine to adopt the sweet girl that was at Peyton's orphanage that I just could not forget.  I have prayed for her ever since we left the orphanage in 2012.  I even prayed for God to let me let go of my thoughts for her because it just burdened me so.  But, no, my heart couldn't do it.

I will start from the beginning of how we came to decide we were going to pursue her adoption.  On June 1st I walked away from job for so many reasons but mostly to be home with my kids.  I had felt that pulling to be home with them for a long time but just couldn't take the leap of faith. One week after being home I was on Facebook and another adoptive mom that I only know thru FB and her blog, posted about an opportunity to host a child from Ukraine.  So I thought why not look.   I looked through several photos of children and then I saw her.  I really couldn't believe it and my heart leaped for joy.  I had to get Peyton to look at the photos just to make sure and when I came to A, Peyton said, there's A.  She was so excited to see A and asked lots of questions but the most important one was can we adopt her?  I said we'll see and on her birthday, June 17, I told her we were going to host A.

I approached Gary to see what he thought as he has no intentions of travelling back to Ukraine.  He said if I could get the money then he supported me 100%.  So that is our big hurdle but what an awesome God we serve and He will provide if this is His will.  The catch is that A is 15 and will be 16 in April of 2016 so we have to hurry.  : ) With that being the case we have decided to bypass hosting and just pursue adoption.

I am working right now on some fundraisers; t-shirts and bracelets.  I will post with all the details when I get that together.  We are also applying for adoption grants.  If anyone has any other suggestions we would greatly appreciate it.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Sabrina. She is actually at one of the orphanages that BOM visits. We are excited!

  2. How wonderful, Tina! We had a lot of success with a rummage sale when we adopted Sergei. I think we made around 3k from that.
