Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Back in Ukraine

We are back in Ukraine and excited to get Anna out of the orphanage on Thursday.  We are hoping to pick up her second passport that day also and then start the third and final one.  Here's to believing that after 2 passports surely the third one won't take as long.  All things are possible right?!

Please be praying for this transition for all of us. Anna seems like a go with the flow girl and has been asking when we are coming back.  That's good news.  I'm so glad we get the summer to work with her before she starts school in August.  I look forward to seeing the changes in her.

Some other big news for our family that I am happy to share is Cash, our 11 year old, accepted Jesus and was baptized a couple weeks ago.  He has been asking a lot of questions for a while now and he decided it was time to move forward with his decision.  We are so proud of him.  Here is a picture of his baptism.

Please continue to pray for us that we can have a speedy passport process and get back home quickly; together as a family.  I'm not too good at being apart from my boys; the big boy especially.  : )


1 comment:

  1. Excellent news about your son! Welcome to THE family Cash :)

    I will pray about the passport, it still boggles my mind that you need 3, jeepers! Keep us posted as often as you can, I love the journey!
