Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Faithful God

I have had several people this week remind me of how faithful God is and He will provide for our adoption.  I was just reading my friend's blog today and she quoted Hebrews 10:23 - Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.  I love this and rest in this assurance.

We had our first homestudy visit today and all went well.  I have a few more documents to finish up and then that part should be done on our end.  We are hoping to have our homestudy in hand by the end of this month or the first part of September.  Then we will send that along with some other paperwork to USCIS to get permission to bring A in to the country.  While we are waiting to get the document from USCIS, we will work on the other paperwork for our dossier that has to be submitted to the Ministry of Social Policy in Ukraine.  We are hoping to submit those at the end of October or early November and get a travel date for early next year.

To give everyone an idea of some of the cost to complete an international adoption:

Homestudy - $900
Primary agency (Hague accredited) - $3,000
USCIS - $890
Dossier apostilles - $100
Ukraine facilitator - $15,000

This does not include airfare or food, housing and transportation while in Ukraine.

There you have it, our big hurdle.  Gary and I are not very good at shouting out for what we need. We both have always tried to do things ourselves.  I guess because of pride and not wanting to be a burden to others.

So tonight, think about our sweet girl across the big pond who doesn't know we are coming for her. She doesn't realize how loved she already is.  How she has 4 brothers and a sister who can't wait to see her.  How life for her is about to take a new direction and we get to be a part of that.  How our faithful God is going to make it all possible because He says in His word, I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you.

Simply ~ Love,

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