Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Thankful for the friendships that Peyton has made since she came home in 2012.  The class that they put her in at school has been perfect for her.  The kids are so kind and really seem to enjoy Peyton. When they found out that we were selling bracelets to be able to bring Peyton's friend home from Ukraine, they started buying bracelets and telling their friends about it.  How awesome is that, that a group of 13/14 year olds would think enough of their friend to help out!  I love that their hearts are where they should be and what a reflection of good parenting!

We will be doing our first drawing from the Adoption Puzzle Fundraiser on August 15.  There is still time to enter the drawing that will be ongoing until we get to A in Ukraine and we will draw on the 15th of each month until we travel.  Check out my link to see the details on the fundraiser.

Here are the pieces that have names of the people that have donated so far.  I'm not showing the names as some people wish to remain anonymous.

I also have something else that I am working on with  my sister-in-love that I hope to share with you very soon.  She has been so supportive of us with this adoption and I can not thank her enough.

Having support, people who believe in you when there are days that are hard because we wish we could get there quicker, yeah, that cheering squad is what keeps us going. Thank you friends who have already donated.  You mean the world to us and I go through that list of people every day and thank God for each of  you.

Simply ~ Love,


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