Thursday, August 6, 2015

One Less

We have a garden this year, first time ever since Gary and I got married 15 years ago.  I never felt like I could take a garden on with working outside the home and devoting my other time to family. Now that I am a free woman I am loving our garden and oh what I have missed out on all these years. There is something so satisfying about seeing the fruit of your labor.  I now have more appreciation of why Gary loves to farm.

Since this was our first garden I didn't plant much; tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and peppers.  The cucumbers have done so well I thought I would make some pickles.  I found a recipe that made it so easy.  We will see how they taste in a few days.

Summer is winding down and the kids will be back to school on the 19th.  I'm not sure where the summer went but boy have I enjoyed how relaxing my life is now.  We will go to the state fair next week; our annual end of summer fun.  The kids always look forward to that.

And finally, last night I had a dream.  I don't dream much so when I do and it is so vivid that I remember it the next morning, I usually take it to heart.  So here it is, I was in our house by myself.  I'm not sure where the kids were.  Gary came in and said he had something he needed me to see.  He had in his hand a piece of Fenton glassware (we used to collect that before kids).  He said look in the bottom of this pitcher and see what it says.  So he held it up to the light and I saw the words, ONE LESS.   For those in the adoption world you know exactly what I mean.  For those not familiar with adoption, when the adoption of our children is complete we always post there is One Less orphan in the world today.  Oh my goodness did the chills come.  Thank you God for once again showing me you have this.

I found this video today of Matthew West talking about and singing his song, One Less.

Simply Love,


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