Monday, March 21, 2016

Headed Back To Kiev

Today our facilitator finished up all the paperwork that we can do for now in Berdychiv.  Just waiting to see about the Ukrainian passport and when court will be.  The office that we needed to talk to about the passport was closed today.  Our facilitator should be able to talk with them tomorrow and hopefully know something by the end of the week.

We got to spend about an hour with Anna today as we had to head back to Kiev.  We gave her a birthday gift since we won't be here for her birthday in April.  We got her a watch, a fluffy bear, a sketch pad and a chocolate bar.  She really liked it and said spasiba (thank you).  

She is still a little distant and I can only imagine what is going through her mind.  No one has ever come to the orphanage to see her for adoption before.  She has seen friends get families and move on. Here we are wanting her to be a part of our family; she is excited but why does anyone want her now after all these years.  And then we are leaving and won't be back for probably a month or more.  We may get to skype with her.  The caretaker, Katerina, gave me her skype information.  So that will be exciting if we can do that.

I have a funny story to tell.  One of the girls in the group, Schnezanna, is so funny.  She was excited that we were there and asked if she could sit by Yulia (Peyton).  She remembers us from last time.  As she sat by Peyton she slipped her arm through Peyton's and just hugged her.  She then asked if we could take her to America.  She dreams of going to America.  We all got such a kick out of her talking and the next thing we knew she had Peyton's hair in her mouth.  Oh my goodness.  Peyton is so calm and patient and she just said to Schnezanna, is my hair good.  Oh everyone started laughing so hard.

Soon after that it was time to go and Anna, Schnezanna and Mikolya (a boy in the group) walked us out; all the way to the gate of the orphanage.  They all wanted hugs and said their goodbyes with a smile.  Anna knows we won't be back for a while but she didn't show any emotion.  I guess when you have been disappointed all those years, you don't allow yourself to get attached too easily.  I look forward to her reaction when she sees us again.


If you are wondering why Anna has the
same thing on in every picture well
this is her weekly casual outfit.
She will get a different outfit on shower

Our facilitator had our driver stop along
side the road on the way back to Kiev.
There were a lot of people selling things.
She got some mushrooms from this woman.

Peyton and Schnezanna

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