Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Lots of Pictures

We have had a relaxing day just taking in a few sights as it is still a little cold.  At 4:30p we met our facilitator, Angelina, and went to the SDA and picked up the paperwork we need to go and see A tomorrow.  There was no line.  We waited about 5 minutes and we went in, showed my passport, signed for the paperwork and we were out the door.  Can't wait for tomorrow!


Ready to go to breakfast

The breezeway we go through to get
to our apartment.  The brown door back
by the car is where we go in to the stairway.

Here we are in front of the SDA's
official sign.  We actually went in a
side door where there is no sign so
we decided to take our picture in
front of the building.


  1. I love all the pictures! We stayed on that street too, only up a little further I think, I recognize the entry way and think we passed it many a time on the way to McDonalds :) Is the Potato House on that same street? The square looks all nice and cleaned up after the Maidan stuff. Do you see any residual from that?

  2. Thanks Sally! I think I may have seen a Potato House on this street. We actually went to a pizza place that was just awesome. It is at the end of the street and I don't remember it being here before. Yes the square does look great. I think there are not as many small businesses here anymore, some of the buildings up the 3 main streets look vacant, windows out etc, and some of the places we visited under ground are not there any more. But overall it is still the Ukraine that we love. : )

  3. If you have a chance to go to the Potato House, we recommend it. My husband got ribs and I got a crepe/pancake, it's where we celebrated Thanksgiving the day we arrived when we made our first trip. It's good food! Glad to hear the place is still as we remember it, mostly. Can you say where in Ukraine A lives?

    1. We will try the Potato House when we get back to Kiev. We are in the Zhytomyr region.
