Monday, March 14, 2016

We Made It to Paris So Far

We left KCI at 5:20 pm today and arrived in Atlanta knowing we only had an hour to catch our next flight to Paris.  When we arrived at the gate our flight, that was supposed to leave at 9:35 pm, was delayed.  We boarded our flight to Paris at midnight and we were told that our flight from Paris to Kiev would arrive 6 hours later than scheduled; so in at 11;35 pm.  And here we sit in the airport in Paris with smiles on our faces knowing that at 10 am Tuesday we will have our appointment with the SDA and get A's file.  As tired as we are we know that this is just a season and a few months from now we will be making new memories.

Here is a picture from our departure at KCI.

PS:  For those of you back home, when you see my husband can you tell him how much I love him! How blessed beyond measure I am to be on this journey with him.  I know he will do great holding down the fort but he may need a little encouragement. : )



  1. Have a great time! You guys look like twins in that picture. How does your daughter feel about going back?

    1. We are trying to have fun but it is really cold! But we are doing in all with smiles! Aaah twins thanks! She is so excited to be here!

  2. Wow, you do look like twins! Praying for your journey! So excited and can't wait to see pictures. I don't know if you mentioned, but does Peyton still speak Ukrainian/Russian?

    1. Thanks for the prayers Tatyana! Peyton does not speak Ukrainian anymore. When she first got home and learned English I asked her if she wanted to keep her Ukrainian language also and she said no.
