Tuesday, March 15, 2016

We Got Her File

Just a short post to say we got A's file today.  Yaaaa!  Our appointment lasted maybe 15 minutes.  There was not a lot of information in her file but it did say she may have scoliosis.  Not sure to what degree so hoping tomorrow the director and doctor at the orphanage will have more information.  Also there were a few pictures in her file and if we bring back some recent photos they said we could have those.

The weather is very cold so not a lot of walking around to take pictures.  I will include pictures of our apartment here in Kiev.  It is located on one of the 3 main streets that run down to the Square.

Tomorrow at 4-5pm we will go and pick up the paperwork that we need to go and visit A.  Then on Thursday morning at 5am we will leave and travel about 2 1/2 hours out of Kiev to the town of Berdychiv.  There we will talk with the social worker and then travel on to the orphanage which is in a rural area. We will probably be there until Monday or Tuesday and then travel back to Kiev and travel home on Wednesday.

Keep the prayers coming.


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