Sunday, March 20, 2016

Time With Her Friends

We had a little party today with Anna and her friends.  We brought Coke and cookies.  Our facilitator thought they would like that.  We had also made some little treat bags for the kids with candy and a bracelet in each bag that Peyton had made.   This is just a few of the kids as some were in and out of the room.  It's Sunday and free time to play outside, take a nap or talk on your phone.  Yes somehow some of the kids have phones.

These kids, I just love them.  I want to shout out to one boy, Dima, in the group that is available for Summer hosting.  He only came to the orphanage in 2013.  I am not exactly sure of the circumstances.  He is 14 and has a younger brother who is 8.  We have not seen the younger brother yet but Dima is oh so handsome and seems like a nice boy. I am not sure of his availability for adoption but I will see if our facilitator can find out.  So, if he and his brother are available, does anyone back home feel like this could be your son?  I would be glad to help with all the paperwork and connections needed to make it work.  He is very calm, with a sweet smile and has manners,  He is the boy on the far left in this photo below.

One of the boys, Peter, gave me this swan that he made.  How awesome is that!  He was in the group when we were here in 2012 and he remembered me and Peyton.

After we left the orphanage, we grabbed a bite to eat and then shopped around for some gifts for Anna for her 16th birthday.  I feel so bad that we will not be here for her birthday but I am giving the caregiver for her group some money to buy her a cake when the day comes.  I am glad she is willing to do that for Anna.  She really likes Anna and talks highly of her.

Here are some random pictures of our hotel, hotel room and our view out the window.

And here is another one of two sweet sisters.


1 comment:

  1. I love all the pictures! Keep taking them. :) Glad things are going well.
