Tuesday, December 15, 2015

It's December 15

It's December 15 and time for two drawings this month.  First the winner of the regular monthly drawing is TA.

He will get the KYIV key chain.

Now an update, we will be meeting with the accountant next week and are thinking we can get an employment letter from him with all the details of our income included on that.  That will allow us to be able to get everything completed with apostilles and to our facilitator before the SDA opens in January.  Please be in prayer with us for that!

And the drawing you all have been waiting months for.  Who is the lucky winner of the large Matryoshka?

I was so excited when Peyton drew this name out. The winner is JQ.  Congratulations!

We will be drawing January 15 for the following tablet.

Thanks again to all that donated!  You are making it possible for us to return and adopt the one we could not forget!


Friday, December 11, 2015

Just When I Thought...Update

Sooooo, I had all the documents gathered and ready to see the notary on Monday and then the facilitator emails to tell me, oh by the way, the 2014 1040 tax forms you were going to submit, need to be 2015 now. The 2014 ones were only good if we submitted in 2015 and now since we are submitting in 2016, well, you see my predicament.

Not to mention in the last 6 months since committing to adopt A, our refrigerator, freezer and dishwasher have all died.  And you know what, I am awesome at washing dishes by hand, no problem.  But, wow, devil, A must really be a gem for you to fight so hard to keep her in a place no child wants or deserves to grow up.  And, no you are not going to win because we are overcomers and she is worth it all!

Now we are going to be figuring like crazy to get our tax information submitted and get the 1040 form we need.  Still believing we will submit when the office in Ukraine opens up for applications in January.

Please be in prayer for A that she will have a covering of protection over her.  


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Got It!

We got the approval from USCIS today.  Once I get the ok from our facilitator we will get all the documents notarized and apostilled.  Then I will send all the documents to her when she arrives in the US.  When she returns to Ukraine the first part of January she will submit them to the Ministry of Social Policy.  When our documents are approved we will get a travel date.

Our You Caring account has an ending date of 12/15 and we are just going to let it end.  We will still be doing the drawings from the Adoption Puzzle Fundraiser on the 15th of each month until we travel. We by no means have raised enough money but we are thankful to those who have stepped out with us.  Thank you for believing in what God has called us to do.  We are believing He will provide.



Sunday, December 6, 2015

Waiting Patiently

We are still waiting patiently on a couple of documents.  Which means we will not be able to submit our dossier (paperwork) to the Ministry of Social Policy in Ukraine until January.  The cutoff date is December 10.  The good news is, our facilitator is bringing a group of children to the USA to be hosted for Christmas and I will be able to send my dossier to her here.

Yes, I have been bumming over the wait and reminding myself daily how God has this.  He sees what I can't but it still feels so disheartening to work so hard, to get it all together, to then have to sit and wait.  So I have been finding comfort in His word.

 In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait expectantly.  Psalm 5:3 

And remembering that sweet girl across the pond who has been waiting much longer than I have. She knows she has a family coming but I wonder if she knows what that means.  We are not sure of her background; how old was she when she came to the orphanage; did she get to experience being in a family before the orphanage; did she get to look in to the eyes of a mother who loved her so?

I pray daily for God's protection over her.  That her heart and mind will be guarded.  That she goes to bed every night knowing that soon we will be there.  Hoping someday she will look in this mama's eyes and know that my love for her is a fierce love; a love that is forever; that doesn't give up or let go.


Friday, November 20, 2015

We Are Getting There

This has been a productive week!  We got our fingerprints taken locally and sent off to get the ok from the FBI.  We slid in a day early at USCIS (Immigration)  and got those fingerprints done.  I got a document from the accountant that I had needed.  We have an appointment next week to get Peyton's passport.  So our next step will be to get all the documents notarized.   A sweet friend from the bank has offered to do the notarizing.  Praise God things are going smoothly.

I have been wondering a lot lately about what it's like living in an orphanage when the holidays come around.  I think Thanksgiving is an American holiday so Ukraine doesn't celebrate that and they celebrate Christmas in January.  I asked Peyton if they celebrate birthdays at the orphanage.  She said at the boarding school the director gave her a chocolate bar (and I have to add, Ukraine has the best chocolate bars) and said Happy Birthday but no one sang Happy Birthday.  At the orphanage where we found her, they did not celebrate birthdays or acknowledge that it was even their birthday. That just makes me so sad.  When I asked her about Christmas she said they did a performance for the teachers and other children at the orphanage and they each got a box of candy. No mention of the true meaning of Christmas.  

Sooo, we have decided that since A can't be with us for Christmas, we are going to send a piece of our family Christmas to her.  The kids are going to make cards for her and we will send some pictures and a few small gifts.  We are going to pray over that box and know that when it arrives and she opens it, that she will feel the love that we already have for her.

No more Thanksgiving, Christmas or birthday alone.   We are on our way sweet girl and you will never be alone again.




Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 15

It's the 15th again.  It seems like the months are flying by.  It is time draw another name from our Adoption Puzzle Fundraiser.

And the winner this month is BS.

She wins this cool bird whistle, handmade in Ukraine.

Just a reminder that next month we will be doing 2 drawings on the 15th.  One of those will be for those who donated $50 or more to our Adoption Puzzle Fundraiser.  And that prize will be the large matryoshka doll.

Here is our puzzle showing the pieces that have been spoken for on the black box.  We have quite a ways to go but I know we serve an awesome God that provides for our needs and He knows.

Thank you to all that have donated.  I hope that you are as blessed as you have blessed us.


I love the words to the following song.  So I ask, what fire has God started in you that you need to pursue?

Friday, November 13, 2015

Another Step

Today we received a letter from USCIS that we have our fingerprint appointment on Nov. 23, just a little over 3 weeks after we mailed our documents to them.  Awesomeness!  So what I thought would be our last document to receive is coming early.  Yaaa, but that means we have to get moving on getting our FBI clearance, which is a new document this time. We have to go to our local police station and get our fingerprints done on fingerprint cards (not electronically).  Then mail those off to a company in Chicago that does FBI background checks.  When we receive that letter back from them, then we send that to the US Department of State in VA to get it authenticated and returned to us.  

It is all coming together and we are getting so excited to think that in a few short months we will be there to see her.  We are hoping that when our documents do get to Ukraine, that the Ministry of Social Policy (formally the State Department of Adoption) will still be open and taking applications as they close down some in Dec/Jan.  I keep reminding myself, God's timing is perfect timing!  I repeat that to myself a lot these days.

All is well on the home front and I am still sooo enjoying this stay at home mom thing.  I know my kids are so much better for it!  It is nice waking up in the morning during the week knowing I am doing what I was called to do.  Thank you God for this life you have given me!


Another picture of A.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Off to Immigration

Today we mailed our paperwork off to Immigration.  This was the step we have been waiting on as this will be the final piece that we need to send our dossier to Ukraine.  It could take up to 6 weeks to get this approval back so if you could pray specifically for a speedy turn around we would appreciate it.  We know it's all in God's hands and His timing is perfect.

The Pampered Chef party that my adoptive mama friend had for us made $50 and the booth we had at the craft fair made about $50.  So thankful for all those that are supporting us.  We will be participating in a couple more craft fairs in December; one in Kingsville and one in Holden.

Here are some random photos of our life.

Should Math really be this hard?  Luckily
when we took Caleb to the dr, they decided he
didn't need glasses anymore but may need
corrective surgery on his eye that doesn't always
track with the other one.

I'm not sure what was happening on the
day this was packed but I guess someone
was tired of sticking a straw on each pack.

We are collecting our nuts for the Winter.

Peyton with our kitty, Panda.
It looks like he is smiling doesn't it.

And finally, my sweet friend sent me this card.  I want you all to know that everything you do for us; every card, kind word, donation, prayer; all of that illuminates us.  You have no idea, how, there are days that are just so hard on this adoption journey.  Days that I wonder why is this taking so long; shouldn't it be easier this time, after all this isn't our first adoption.  This girl has waited for all these years to have a family.  Why is it so difficult.  Then, God gently says, I've got this, let me.  And I am reminded that she was His first.  He knows and sees all that I can't.  So I praise Him in this waiting time.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

One Month Closer to A

It is time to do another drawing from our Adoption Puzzle Fundraiser.  If you are just now joining in, the Adoption Puzzle Fundraiser is to raise money to help bring A home.  When you donate, your name will go on a piece of this puzzle.  For every $10 donated, your name will go into a drawing.
For example, if you donate $30 your name will be put in the drawing 3 times.  Because A's birthday is on the 15th, on the 15th of each month until we travel I will draw out a name and you will win something that we bought when we were in Ukraine.  On December 15, if you have donated $50 or more I will do a separate drawing for a big Matryoshka nesting doll.

The winner for October is SB.

And she wins this.

We finished up our T-shirt Fundraiser on September 15 and raised $121.  If anyone is interested in a t-shirt I have a few extras; limited sizes.  Also, if enough people are interested in buying one, I can do a re-order.  There is a minimum that has to be ordered before they will print.

Tonight is the Pampered Chef FB party that my sweet adoptive mama friend is having for us.  We don't know each other in person, just through adopting from Ukraine and our blogs.  She contacted me to see if she could have a party for me to help us with our adoption.  How awesome is that!!!  If you are interested in joining in at 7 tonight just send me a request to add you to the group.

This Saturday Peyton and I will have a booth at the Crest Ridge PTO Fall Craft Show.  It runs from 9-3.  We are selling necklaces, winter scarves and handmade decorative bowls.  If you are local, come on out.  It looks like there will be some great vendors and crafts.

I am hoping that our homestudy will be in my hands by tomorrow and I can send it on to USCIS (Immigration).  It can take up to 6 weeks to get the "Golden Ticket" back from them.  This is usually the final document needed to be able to submit our dossier to the department in Ukraine that will approve us and give us a travel date.

And so we patiently wait and pray for A.  Every night at dinner time my kids pray for her and they talk about the things they will do when she gets here; where she will sit at the table; the things they will teach her; what color will she like.  I love that my kids already see her as their sister.

Thanks to everyone who has donated or helped in any way.  Keep the prayers coming.


Friday, October 9, 2015

3 Years Ago

Three years ago today was the end of a long wait and we finally got to take Peyton and Caleb from the orphanage.  What a bitter sweet day it was.  It was really hard for me to leave so many children behind just knowing I would never get to see them again.  They had forever changed me and I am so thankful for that.  Yes, the things they taught me I already knew, but they just sharpened it all for me.


Kindness - If one orphan had several apples, they didn't keep them all but made sure everyone had one. Even if that meant giving up the last one you had and running to the orchard for more.

Patience and Goodness -  I couldn't communicate because of the obvious language difference but they were so patient with me when I would try and speak Ukrainian. They would keep saying the word until I got it, always sweet and kind.

Joy and Faithfulness- After we were there a few days and they got used to us, they would come running as soon as they saw us.  It was a faithfulness we came to count on at such a hard time and always with joyful faces;

Gentleness and Self-Control - What would you do if you saw a mouse?  Yeah, not these children. They had a pet mouse and would hold it so gently and even when it bit them, they still were so gentle with it.

Peace  or Contentment -  The children wore the same clothes day after day and took a bath once a week.  The outside toilets were less than ideal; imagine a small wooden shed with a concrete floor and three holes cut in the concrete.  Yes, squatty, potty.  I never once heard them complain about this and I know, what good would it have done. But, wow, how much it taught us about being content with all that we have.

Love - Our sweet A.  This girl was so shy and standoffish when we got there.  We could see the longing in her eyes that she wished we were there for her, not a jealousness at all, just a desire to be chosen and loved.  By the time we left there we definitely were in love with her.  I will not forget this day, that look on her face and those tears rolling down her face, because the likelihood of us coming back was just not possible.

But............. what an awesome God we serve, that 3 years later and 1 week after I quit my job, He would have me follow a FB post that would lead me to find A's picture.  A hosting agency was trying to find a family to host her for the Summer.  We decided we wanted to be that family but we would just go and adopt her instead.

So today on Peyton and Caleb's Gotcha Day I am just so humbled that God chose us to be their parents and is leading us back to the one we could not forget.

~ Tina  

photo from 2012

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

So, My News

The facilitator that we are working with in Ukraine has been trying to get to A's orphanage for a while now to talk with her.  I sent some photos of our family for her to share with A and she took some cookies and candies for A and her friends.

So, today I received several photos and an email that read, "She is such a nice girl!!! Everyone in the orphanage loves her, she has a very positive nature, she is very friendly and sweet.  She remembers you and recognized (Yulia) Peyton and ........ she definitely wants to be a part of your family, no doubt."

How is that for some news?!  I am overJOYed that she is choosing us!  That we get to be her mom and dad; her family!  And, well, I think she looks a little like my husband.  God is good like that isn't He?  He is in all the details!

So, well, the waiting is just so hard!  Sending prayers up for her that God will give her peace in this waiting time and that she would be comforted in knowing that she is wanted and loved so much already!

And, not sure if you noticed when you looked at her picture but yeah, I see a big heart!


Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Today is the 15th of September and time to draw another name from our Puzzle Fundraiser.  I will get right to it; the winner is NS and she wishes to remain anonymous.  I will be sending her a beautiful bird whistle that we bought in Ukraine.

Here is a picture of our whole puzzle and what pieces have donors names on them so far.

The Bracelet Fundraiser ended on September 4th and we raised $145.

The T-shirt Fundraiser ends tonight.

I want to thank everyone who has given to our adoption and all prayers being sent up for us.  We are believing God will provide.

I am hoping for some awesome news tomorrow and I will share when it comes in.  Stay tuned as you won't want to miss it!

And now, some random photos of our kids.  What a JOYous time of my life this is.  I wouldn't trade it for anything and how thankful I am that my husband works so hard to provide for us.

Cash is playing trumpet this year.

Caleb loves creepy, crawly things.

And, of course, Carson was born to be a cowboy.

We have had a few turkeys hanging around
our house but I'm still soaring with the


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Her Joy

This video I am sharing is one that I treasure.  Caleb is running out with joy in his heart.  This was his reaction just 1 week after meeting us in 2012.  He was so excited that we were there for him!  How many of his friends got a mom and dad before him?  How many times did he have to watch the love between his friends and the mom and dad that he longed for?  I'm not sure but it was finally his turn.

Now, can you imagine what A will go thru?  She is not 5 1/2 years old like he was, but 15.  She has waited so much longer for a mom and dad to see her for the treasure she is.  She has been beaten down by a life that no child deserves.  Because she is small for her age, she got picked on a lot while we were there.  Oh how my heart broke to see her get hit up side the head and just take it.  We would stand up for her but the kids didn't care.  They had a pecking order and she was at the bottom. We saw a glimmer of hope though when we spoke up and we were pretty smitten with her by the time we left.  That was a very hard day for me.  I never thought we would see her again.  But God knew and my heart couldn't let go.  Here is a picture she drew for us while we were there.

I hope, whatever her reaction is when we get there, that she knows she is going home to a big family that already loves her.  And if she wants to run and jump in my arms, well, I wouldn't mind it so much! : )  I just can't wait to see her joy!


PS ~ an update on our progress - the home study is still in progress but hopefully will be done in a few weeks; I have several of the required documents as done as I can get them for now; the Bracelet Fundraiser is coming to a close this week; the T-shirt Fundraiser will last until Sept. 15 and the Puzzle Fundraiser is ongoing until we travel, with drawings on the 15th of each month.  Thanks to all who have donated and are supporting us!   And, if you want to get an email that tells you when I post an update on here,  go to the right hand column and enter your email in the Follow By Email link.           

Monday, August 31, 2015

I Have to Brag on My Sweet Kids

My sweet kids get it!  They know what it means to love the orphan, to pursue bringing another sister home!  They come home from school saying can I ask so and so if they want to buy a t-shirt or bracelet so we can get A home.  I hate that we have to try and fundraise because Gary and I don't like feeling like we need help.  But boy am I proud of my kids for seeing the need and wanting to help.

The Bible says in James 1:27 - Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

The statistics for the Ukraine orphan who has to leave the orphanage at age 16 or 17  are not good.  A few get to go to a trade school, most times not a trade of their choosing.  The majority are just left to make their way on their own with no family.  More than 50% will turn to crime or prostitution and 10-15% will commit suicide by age 18.

This just makes me want to get to A so much more.  She deserves a family who loves her and siblings who want her to be their sister and a mom and dad to call her own,  She needs to know that she is important and her life matters.  But above all this, we want her to know the awesome God we serve that has chosen this lucky family to be hers.

1 Thess 5:24 says, The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it.

I believe that with all my heart.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Here is a sample of the t-shirt we are selling to help bring A home.  Click on the link and it will take you to the sight to order.  It comes in youth sizes also.  


Thanks to everyone who has and is supporting us.  

Simply ~ Love,


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school and the kids were so excited.

 Even though Carson was excited, there were a few tears.  He is so attached to Gary and loves farming so much and watching old westerns that the thought of being gone all day was a little too much to take.  So when they got home, who was the one that came running off the bus, yep, Carson. As always,  there were lots of stories and they had a good first day.

I got a card and donation today from a longtime, sweet friend.  She has been there for me through a lot of things in my life and she knows my heart for my family.  Here is the outside of her card.

I love it!

What she didn't realize that would bring back some old memories for me and a reassurance from God that we are doing what he called us to, on the back, Victoria Elizabeth, the name of my first foster child.

The years have passed since she was in my home with her sister, Angelica Violet, but I never stop thinking of them. They would be 21 and 19 yrs old now.  I would love to see them again!

And here is a random picture of some cool clouds while I was waiting for the bus to arrive this afternoon.  Oh how I love how peaceful my life is now.

Simply ~ Love,


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Winner, Winner

We went to the MO State Fair on Thursday, which happened to be Gary's birthday, and we had one HOT time.  In fact I got so hot that Gary took the kids to ride most of the rides while I ventured in and out of the buildings and cooled off.  So not too many pictures of our day.

Today is August 15 and time for our 1st drawing from the Adoption Puzzle Fundraiser.  I had Peyton draw out a name and since the winner wishes to remain anonymous, I will just give the initials, JT.
She wins this small matryoshka.

Thank you everyone for donating to our adoption.  You are making it possible.  We will be drawing one name on the 15th of each month until we travel.   I am also adding another prize to the Adoption Puzzle Fundraiser, a 7 in blue tablet.  This will be the prize we draw for in January.

Also,  how many people would be interested in buying a t-shirt if I designed one for our adoption?

Simply ~ Love,
