Thursday, May 19, 2016


I know, how can anyone be bored in Kiev but well, we slept in and it has rained off and on today and it is cold.  Who knew we needed to bring a winter coat to Ukraine in May.

 So after coloring, playing cards, playing on the tablet, what else is there to do but go eat and buy some groceries and snacks.  Let me tell you Anna could eat ice cream and candy all day long if I let her.  She doesn't mind asking and takes it well when I say maybe later and we move on.    

Tomorrow we go to the US Embassy in the morning at 9 am and to Anna's medical appointment after that.  She will have to have the skin TB test done.  We will go back on Monday to have the doctor look at it.  This test is something that all the older adopted kids have to have done.  Please say a prayer that it will be ok. 

We got to Skype with Gary and the boys this morning before they went to school.  Carson and Caleb are ready for mom to be home.  Carson was telling Anna privet (hi) and paka (bye).  The first thing he asks when it's his turn is where's Anna.  Caleb says, why she not talking.  Cash he sits and waves and says hi and tells me all the things going on that I think dad would rather he not tell.  : )  Oh my how I miss them so but this is only a season.  We will be back home soon and this time here will fade.

I have a few pictures from today.  Anna is not smiling but I promise you she is happy.  The girls were so bored that they took a video out the window of the birds on the ground eating bread.  I haven't been able to get it to download yet.



This is at the top of the big tower above.

The girls are in the center.

Peyton thinks she is on vacation. Ha!


This doorway doesn't mean anything
to Anna right now.  But this is the door
that leads to the SDA where we first
got her file and permission to go and
visit her.


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