Monday, May 16, 2016

Fault Start

So today at 11 am our facilitator picked us up and we were headed out to Zhytomyr to start Anna's final passport. Our facilitator got on the phone with the orphanage attorney to see how it was going with getting the stamp on the second passport.  He said he was in the process of getting the stamp on it but would then have to wait a few hours to get the exact same passport with the stamp not on it.  That is the one we need to have to apply for Anna's international passport.  (What?  Remember on Friday how we couldn't move forward because we were waiting on the stamp.)  Well I guess the one we need doesn't need the stamp but the stamped passport comes before the one not stamped.  Ok, all sounds good, let's go. Oh wait a minute, they forgot to tell us since she is 16 there is another Ukrainian form that has to do with the Visa that we have to get before we can apply for her international passport.  Ok, let's go and we'll get that while we are there.  Wait, no, sorry, that office is closed today.  Sooooo we made it around the block in the taxi and we are back at the apartment.  Does this just not sound so absurd?! 

Trying to put a smile on for these 2 sweet girls while I am beyond frustrated.  Shouldn't the hoops that need to be jumped through be listed somewhere so that we know what we are doing?  Is that really too much to ask?  These are rhetorical questions so no need to comment.  I feel so much like I am in the scene from the movie Ground Hog Day and the same song is playing over and over every morning.  I know go with the flow, be happy, lalala.

Tomorrow we are supposed to start out at 7 am to get all of the above done. 

As I sit here writing this so many things, as you can imagine, are running through my head.  God's timing, perfect timing.  I have repeated that over and over this trip.  I couldn't do this without Him!

Enjoy the words to this song.




  1. Oh my. Well, a few more days to enjoy the view and the culture. Are you in Kiev?

    1. We are in Kiev so definitely more to take in but I would rather not. : )
