Thursday, May 26, 2016

Well, "Definitely" Not

So for this to be a positive post, I will say that I am positive we did not get the passport today. Although I was told "definitely" tomorrow ( meaning today) I guess definitely doesn't mean the same to everyone.  I am not sure why I believed "definitely"because this adoption has been no where near "definite" at all except for the fact that Anna has definitely been great!

Anna and our facilitator travelled to Zhytomyr this morning and arrived to the passport office around 10 am.  The passport had not arrived yet and so they waited.  The time came and went for the package to arrive from Kiev with the passports in it so the reply, sorry come back tomorrow.  They will have to stay the night in Zhytomyr and tomorrow the passport with the background clearance "should be" in.

I am cancelling my flights for tomorrow (Friday) and hope to get a flight home for Saturday or Sunday.  If we don't get the passport tomorrow, it will be Wednesday before we can fly home.  The US Embassy is closed on Monday for Memorial Day so it will be Tuesday before we can have our final appointment with them.

God's timing; perfect timing.  He "definitely" has a good reason for all of this and that is a definite I can believe.


Enjoy this video and DO LIFE BIG.


  1. Ahhh, bummer. You are correct however, His timing is ALWAYS perfect, even if we never see the "why". I often hope when we get to Heaven we get the chance to ask about things like this. Hang in there friend! Have you eaten at the Potato House yet? We recommend it - either for the baked potatoes or the crepes. :)

    1. Thanks PJ. We haven't tried the Potato House but we maybe we will tomorrow. I think it must be on the next street over. :-)
