Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I Just Don't Know What to Say

So Anna is doing great; no real issues.  She just goes with the flow.  She chatters away at us like we understand and through Peyton catching some words and me trying to act out what she is saying, we are getting there.  She just laughs.  I say a single word in English and she says the Ukrainian word.  She is so smart and witty.

Now, the part about not knowing what to say. 

We started out at 7:30 this morning and picked our facilitator up on the way.  We headed to what was supposed to be at the end of the street that leads to the orphanage, to meet the orphanage attorney.  He had the second passport and some other paperwork.  Well, when we got to the meeting spot he wasn't there.  Our facilitator called and he was in a meeting.  So we had to, you guessed it, drive BACK into the orphanage.  Anna was not pleased.  She ducked her head and tears slowly seeped out the sides of her eyes.  She was quietly saying something and the facilitator said she says she doesn't want to go back to this crazy place.  Needless to say I was not happy about putting her through that but we made it.  So on we went to Berdychiv to the immigration office to get the missing document we needed from yesterday.  The young man we worked with there had to call to the Zhytomyr passport office, where we were heading next, several times to make sure he was wording everything correctly.  Finally, after going back and forth, signing here signing there and 2 hours later, we were out of there.  We grabbed a quick lunch and then headed to the Zhytomyr passport office.  It pretty much went down hill from there and not in a good way.  The lady we worked with there said we were missing a petition that stated blah, blah, blah, I wasn't sure anymore.  So we had to leave there and walk to a notary office down the street.  The notary wasn't sure why the lady at the passport office was requesting this so he had to call her.  She told him what she needed and he did it but shook his head as to why.  So back we went to the passport office and I am thinking, ok, it's 4 pm and we are almost done.  Oh but when we got back, the people at the passport office were dazed and confused.  It seems that Anna's biological name was not taken out of the Ukrainian registry and she is still listed as a Ukrainian citizen.  But, according to the court decree she is now Anna Joy Bell.  Everyone was confused because this had never happened before and they didn't know what to do.  And, of course, no one in authority was around to make a decision.  If someone there did make the decision and it was wrong, they could lose their job.  So they were sorry, come back tomorrow.   We headed back to Kiev and arrived to our apartment at 7:45 pm. 

Now a little background, our facilitator called this passport office a month ago and told them the situation  about Anna turning 16 and all the passports and there was no mention of extra documents or make sure she gets taken off the registry.  Also, the orphanage attorney had many conversations with this same passport office and the man there denied ever talking to him. 

So do you see why I just don't know what to say?


  1. HO LY SMOKES! Amazing to say the least. I have been praying that He will be glorified through this process, I don't know what else to pray. I remember our court almost came to a screeching halt because some places in the documents I was listed as first name last name and others was first name, middle and then last name. Amazing. Don't lose heart my friend! One day it will ALL be over. Good grief.....

  2. Thanks! I keep telling myself that this is just a season and only a small part of the big picture. It still sure is hard!
