Sunday, May 15, 2016

Lots of Pictures

Last night the internet was not working in our apartment; just all of a sudden.  I have never had this issue before.  And it was the night we were supposed to Skype with Gary and the boys.  So off we went to McDs at 10 pm and used the internet there.  Well then Skype was not working on Gary’s end so we went back to the apartment and still no internet.  I said a little prayer because I had to see my boys.  And we got a connection and talked for 30 minutes.  I have no idea how we did it because the internet showed that it was not working.  When we woke up this morning we still had no internet and haven’t had all day.  That makes it hard to communicate with Anna through Google translate but she has been a champ. 
So today we walked around, got a few things from the market, washed some laundry, and just relaxed and enjoyed ourselves.  Anna is good about asking when she wants something, in a good way, not selfish.  I’m so glad she speaks up but sometimes I tell her no and she’s ok with that also.  I just can’t believe how easy going she is.  She and Peyton seem to be getting along pretty well.   Anna just talks to Peyton like she knows what she is saying and Peyton does pick up some of it.  I love to listen to them in the next room just giggling away.  Most times they are laughing because there is this huge cat (see picture below) outside our apartment window and he just cries and cries all day and night.  Anna LOVES cats and I tried to buy her a little nesting doll that was different colored cats.  She didn’t want one.  I may have to buy her one anyway as I think she will like it someday.
Enjoy the pictures from today.   Can you pick out which one is my favorite?  Yes, it’s the sisters picture.



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