Friday, May 20, 2016

Embassy and Medical Appointments

We went to the US Embassy this morning and that went sooooo smoothly!  All of the paperwork was in order and we will return next Thursday morning to finish up after we get Anna's passport on Wednesday.

We then went to her medical appointment and because she is 16 they did the x-ray instead of the skin TB test.  It turned out fine.  Yaaaa!  They also had to take blood and we will get the results from that when we have her passport. We will then get the medical form we need to give to the US Embassy.

So such a great day!

I have no pictures today so I will just post one I have posted before.  It is cold and windy and just started pouring down rain.  So we will stay inside for now. 

Anna is doing great; I just couldn't ask for her to be any better.  I haven't started trying to work with her yet on English but this girl is starting to understand some of what we say.  She is so shy when we Skype with the family but here in our apartment she just chatters away at us.  Peyton gets such a kick out of her chattering because if you know Peyton you know she is not much of a talker.  I know some others that have adopted teens that don't want to take showers, well not Anna.  She's happy to take showers and be clean. I'm thankful for that.  Now, of course, everything is not rainbows and sunshine as there are things that we will have to work on that were not taught to her at the orphanage.  I'm waiting until we get home for most of that.  I just want her to be happy and comfortable right now.

God is good and I'm glad He blessed us with Anna.



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