Sunday, May 22, 2016

Just Another Day

Nothing new today.  We are on day 13 of this trip and Peyton and I are just so done.  Anna just smiles and goes with the flow.  I'm so thankful for that!  We try to walk around each morning and afternoon.

Today and yesterday, in fact until 11 pm last night, there is a large group of people gathered in the open area by St. Michael's church.  (The one with the angels on the wall)  There are people singing and others giving speeches.  I'm not really sure what is going on but we are staying clear of that area.

We are still believing that we are getting Anna's passport on Wednesday and going home on Friday. Anna will travel out to Zhytomyr on Wednesday with our facilitator to pick up her passport.  Peyton and I will stay in Kiev.  On Thursday morning we will head back to the US Embassy for our second appointment.  We will then get a sealed package from the embassy with all of Anna's paperwork in it that will allow her to enter the United States.  We are excited for that day!


Peyton had to get a picture of this store
front.  Can you guess why?  If you guessed
lots of pink, you would be right.

This cat is made of forks.  We saw this
when we were here in 2010 and was
glad to find it again.  There are a few
less forks but still so cool!

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