Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Some Info

I just saw on a FB group I belong to, of people who have or are in the process of adopting from Ukraine, that the person who needs to sign passports is on vacation and the US Embassy here in Kiev is having issues with their Visa machine.  Not sure if that is their local passport office or the one in Kiev.

Annnnnd, I just got a call from our facilitator, apparently the passport office in Berdychiv where we need to pick up the second passport is closed tomorrow.  What?  Really?  Just random in the middle of the week?  Not sure what the plan is now.  We need to pick up Anna but she has to be with the orphanage attorney when he gets the second passport so that she can sign the paperwork.  The passport may be in on Friday but if too late in the day then we have to wait until Monday to apply for the passport we need.  We are going to get Anna on Friday no matter what is going on as, well, this is getting a little ridiculous!  So on a positive note, God has gone before us and His plan is best.  So hard to remember sometimes.

Did I mention that the door lock on our apartment we can't get it open from the inside sometimes? Nothing like the feeling of being trapped inside.  We have to turn the key a certain way and stand on one foot with our tongue out and count to 10.  Oh my goodness!

Hope you are enjoying this adventure as much as we are.  

Here are a few more pictures from today.

Keep those prayers coming.


breadsticks and they are so good


  1. Well, some version of this is totally to be expected, it wouldn't be a foreign adoption otherwise! Hang in there my friend. What is your *expected* stay in U now? W

    1. Thanks! No idea how long we will be here. Will know more on Friday.
