Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Good News

Anna will travel out to Zhytomyr with our facilitator tomorrow.  She was supposed to go today but the passport is not in.  The facilitator said it will "definitely" be in tomorrow.  We will go to the embassy in the afternoon and you know what, WE ARE COMING HOME on Friday.  Oh my goodness that sounds so awesome!

I'm so glad that God is so faithful!  This has been such a hard trip for me. But God showed me He had it on a daily basis.  Not sure who followed our other blog when we adopted Peyton and Caleb but God revealed Himself to me through butterflies.  So many times I would doubt and second guess and there would be a butterfly in random places.  It would be on a picture in a restaurant, on a woman's skirt passing by, a waitresses' hair clip, or dangling from the mirror of the taxi we would get in. Too many odd places to be a coincidence.  I reminded Peyton of that story and she said you know mom I have been seeing butterflies around us now.  I said I know Peyton, it's God's way of showing us it's gonna be ok.  He's got this. I'm glad Peyton got to experience this and hope she will remember for the future.

Did I say Friday we are coming home?  Yes!  The boys back home are so excited.  Please pray for our travels.  It may be busy on Friday with it being a holiday weekend.  We are going home!

(It rained today so not many pictures.)


Do you see these things?  They are flying
off the trees.  Some days they are so thick
we get them in our mouth.  If you have allergies
be glad you are not here.

Can you see them in the air in
this picture?

See the rain clouds.


  1. Good news! I hope and pray all goes well with the passport trip tomorrow. Friday is so soon!

    1. We are praying hard that all goes well tomorrow. If not we are stuck here until next Wed.
