Saturday, May 14, 2016

For Anna

Since we have spent most of the day inside and the girls have been playing games and coloring, I have had some time to think.

God called us back to Ukraine to adopt Anna even though when we left with Peyton and Caleb we said we were not coming back.  For the last 3 1/2 years I thought about and prayed for Anna a lot but I never really thought that I would be back here , really back here, with her as my daughter.  It has been a scary thing for me coming over here without Gary.  Oh I feel safe where we are but it's hard being strong by myself.

Then I think how strong Anna had to be.  She left the orphanage with nothing!  Yes Peyton is familiar to her and that so helps but when you think of the magnitude of 16 years left behind I am just floored. Yes they weren't 16 good years.  Being in an orphanage robs a child of so many things including a family but they were her years; her life.  Those years and that life were her safety net.  

She has been such a trooper these last 24 hours I am beyond thankful to God.  He brought us back to Anna at just the right time.  She turned 16 three days after court.  At age 16 in Ukraine an orphan can no longer be adopted.   Think about that for a minute.  Awesome God!

Below is a music video.  Please listen to the words. They are for Anna.

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