Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Happy Birthday "James"

First I would like to say Happy 10th Birthday to our first foster child, "James".  We love him dearly and miss him every day.  Hope you have a great birthday buddy and many more!

Anna continues to do great and is watching us to see how we do things.  She's not afraid to try and copy us and I'm so glad.  Peyton brought a word search book and Anna is sounding out the words in that.  She's doing pretty good but some of the English letters look the same as the Ukrainian letters just with a different sound.  I am so thankful she is trying.  I don't think it will take her too long to learn English as desire is half the battle.  She sure LOVES sunflower seeds.  She can crack them faster than I have ever seen.  I think we are going to have to stock up on those.  : )

Enjoy today's pictures.  Believing we will get good news tomorrow.


This tells about the above picture.

This is the same clock we took a
picture of earlier.  It now has flowers
planted around it.

This bun is black because they put
octopus ink in the dough.  There are
also pink buns.  Beet juice is used in
that dough.  

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