Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Short Post

I will start by saying we got to start the passport today.  We left our apartment at 7:20 am and arrived back to the apartment at 8 pm.  When we got there it started out looking like yesterday.  No one could make a decision.  They made us leave 2 different times so they could think about what to do.  They also emailed the main passport office in Kiev.  But at 5:15 pm it was like a miracle happened.  They just said ok we will issue the passport.  I am not sure if they were tired of seeing us sitting in their hallway all day or what made them have a change of heart.  You guys back home must have been praying hard because it just went from no, no ,no to ok.  Awesome God!

So on Friday we will take Anna to her medical appointment and we may go to our first US Embassy appointment.  We are supposed to get Anna's passport back on Wednesday of next week.  The hold up now may be that because she is 16 they have to do a background check on her with the SBU. (not sure what that stands for)  This could not start until the passport was started.  They are hoping to get those results back on Wednesday also because those results will allow them to put a stamp on the passport that is needed before we can pick it up.

Maybe tomorrow we can get some photos on here. 


1 comment:

  1. I prayed this morning that He would be glorified. I was one of the praying ones! Glad you got it today and may it all be smooth sailing from here :)
